Field Instruments Training

Field InstrumentsAn instrument is a device that measures a physical quantity such as Flow, Temperature, Level, Pressure, Distance and Angle. Instruments may be as simple as direct reading thermometer or may be complex multi-variable process analyzers. Instruments are often part of a control system in refineries, factories, and vehicles. The control of processes is one of the main branches of applied instrumentation. Instrumentation can also refer to handheld devices that measure some desired variable. Diverse handheld instrumentation is common in laboratories, but can be found in the household as well. For example, a smoke detector is a common instrument found in most western homes.

Instruments attached to a control system may provide signals used to operate solenoids, valves, regulators, circuit breakers or relays. These devices control a desired output variable, and provide either remote or automated control capabilities. These are often referred to as final control elements when controlled remotely or by a control systems.

A Transmitter is a device that produces an output signal, often in the form of a 20 mA electrical current signal, although many other options using voltage, frequency, pressure are possible. This signal can be used for informational purposes, or it can be sent to a PLC, DCS, SCADA,ESD/SIS,FGS system, or other type of computerized controller, where it can be interpreted into readable values and used to control other devices and processes in the system.

A valve is a device for Controlling the passage of fluid/Pressure/Level through a Pipe or duct/Tank,especially an automatic device allowing movement in one direction. Two type of valve’s are used in industries,
* Control Valve
* On/Off Valve.

Control instrumentation plays a significant role in both gathering information from the field and changing the field parameters, and as such are a key part of control loops.


1. Field Instruments Introduction
2. Field Instruments Overview
3. Field Instruments Types
4. Pressure Transmitters Configuration
5. Flow Transmitters Configuration
6. Temperature Transmitters Configuration
7. Level Transmitters Configuration
8. Control Valve Configuration
9. On/Off Valve Configuration
10. Conventional type Transmitter
11. Wireless Transmitters Overview
12. Field Instruments Selection
13. Wireless Transmitters Configuration
14. Field Instruments Calibrations
15. Field Instruments range changing
16. 375 Filed Communicator Overview
17. 375 Filed Communicator Configuration
18. I/O List generation from Field Instruments
19. Filed instruments integrated with DCS/PLC systems
20. Field Instruments identify from P&ID diagrams
21. HART Type Transmitters and Control Valves
22. Field bus type Transmitters and Control Valves
23. Field Instruments calibration from DCS and Marshaling panel
24. 2-Wire / 3-Wire Transmitter overview and Configuration
25. ESD/SIS valve Overview




Case Study



Instructor by : Tugino and team

Field Instruments Training
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