Generator Protection System Training

Generator Protection SystemPelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang Power Generator. Topik pelatihan ditekankan pada pemilihan dan setting Relay proteksi untuk Generator, seperti proteksi beban lebih, proteksi ground fault, proteksi phase to phase fault dalam generator dan lain-lain. Sehingga diperoleh sistem proteksi generator yang handal. Pada pelatihan ini juga diberikan pengetahuan mengenai inspeksi dan maintenance peralatan proteksi generator


1. Synchrounous Generator
* Principle of Operation
* Controlling and Operation of Generator

2. Generator Grounding
* Purpose of Grounding
* Solid Grunding
* Low Resistance Grounding
* High Resistance Grounding

3. Fundamentals of Protection
* Need for Protection
* Types of Fault
* Circuit Breaker Control Circuits
* Protection Relay Fundamentals
* Solid State Relays
* Digital Protection Devices

4. Overcurrent Protection Devices
* Characteristics
* Application to Electrical Power System Protection
* Application to LV and HV Generator

5. Protection Relay
* Types of Relay
* Relay Characteristic
* Relay Setting
* Coordination of Relays

6. Relay Input Sources
* CTs
* VTs
* CVTs

7. Generator Protection
* Ground Fault
* Differential
* Unbalance Loading
* Loss of Excitation
* Out of Step

8. Generator Relay Setting Calculation
* Overload Relay setting Calculation
* Ground Fault Relay Setting Calculation
* Differential Relay Setting Calculation

9. Inspection

10. Discussion and Cases Study




Case Study


Generator Protection System Training
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