Generator Excitation Training

Generator ExcitationMaximum efficiency, reliability, and longevity of the various types of generators, exciters, voltage regulators, and protective systems are of great concern to many industries. These objectives can only be achieved by understanding the characteristics, selection criteria, common problems and repair techniques, preventive and predictive maintenance. This seminar is . A must for anyone who is involved in the selection, applications, or maintenance of generators. It provides the latest in technology. The seminar covers how this equipment operates and provides guidelines and rules that must be followed for a successful operation. Their basic design, operating characteristics, specification, selection criteria, advanced fault detection techniques, critical components, refurbishment, as well as all maintenance issues are covered in detail.


To provide a comprehensive understanding of the various types of generators, exciters, voltage regulators, and protective systems. Participants will be able to specify select, commission and maintain this equipment for their applications. To achieve reduced capital, operating and maintenance costs along with increase in efficiency.


A. Fundamentals of Electric Systems

* Capacitors
* Current and Resistance
* The Magnetic Field
* Ampres Law
* Magnetic Field in a Solenoid
* Faradays Law of Induction
* Lenzs Law
* Inductance
* Alternating Currents
* Three-Phase System
* Three-Phase Connections
* Power in Three-Phase System

B. Introduction to Machinery Principles

* Electric Machines and Transformers
* Common Terms and Principles
* The Magnetic Field
* Production of a Magnetic Field
* Magnetic Behavior of Ferromagnetic Materials
* Energy Losses in a Ferromagnetic Core
* Faradays Law Induced Voltage From a Magnetic Field Changing with Time
* Core Loss Values
* Permanent Magnets
* Production of Induced Force on a Wire
* Induced Voltage on a Conductor Moving in a Magnetic Field

C. AC Machine Fundamentals

* The Rotating Magnetic Field
* Proof of The Rotating Magnetic Field Flux Concept
* The Relationship between Electrical Frequency and The Speed of Magnetic Field Rotation
* Reversing The Direction of the Magnetic Field Rotation
* The Induced Voltage in AC Machines
* The Induced Voltage in a Coil on a Two-Pole Stator
* The Induced Voltage in a Three-Phase Set of Coils
* The RMS Voltage in a Three-Phase Stator
* The Induced Torque in a Three-Phase Machine
* Winding Insulation in AC Machines
* Machine Power Flow and Losses

D. Synchronous Machines

* Physical Description 2.0 Pole Pitch: Electrical Degrees
* Airgap and Magnetic Circuit of a Synchronous Machine
* Synchronous Machine Windings
* Field Excitation
* Rotating Rectifier Excitation
* Series Excitation
* No-Load and Short-Circuit Values
* Torque Tests
* Speed-Torque Characteristic
* Pull-In Torque
* Pull-Out Torque
* Excitation of a Synchronous Machine
* Machine Losses
* Windage and Friction Loss
* Core Losses
* Stray-Load Loss
* Armature Conductor Loss
* Excitation Loss

E. Synchronous Generators

* Synchronous Generator Construction
* The Speed of Rotation of A Synchronous Generator
* The Internal Generated Voltage of a Synchronous Generator
* The Equivalent Circuit of a Synchronous Generator
* The Phasor Diagram of a Synchronous Generator
* Power and Torque in Synchronous Generators
* The Synchronous Generator Operating Alone
* The Effect of Load Change on a Synchronous Generator Operating Alone
* Parallel Operation of AC Generators
* The Conditions Required for Paralleling
* The General Procedure for Paralleling Generators
* Frequency-Power and Voltage-Reactive Power Characteristics of a Synchronous Generator
* Operation of Generators in Parallel With Large Power Systems
* Synchronous Generator Ratings
* The Voltage, Speed, and Frequency Ratings
* Apparent Power and Power-Factor Ratings
* Synchronous Generator Capability Curves
* Short-Time Operation and Service Factor

F. Generator Components, Auxiliaries and Excitation

* Excitation
* AC Excitation Systems
* Exciter Transient Performance
* The Pilot Exciter
* The Main Exciter
* Exciter Performance Testing
* Pilot Exciter Protection
* Brushless Excitation Systems
* The Rotating Armature Main Exciter
* The Voltage Regulator
* System Description
* AVR Protection
* The Digital AVR
* Excitation Control
* Rotor Current Limiter
* Overfluxing Limit
* The Power System Stabilizer
* Characteristics of Generator Exciter Power Systems (GEP)
* Excitation System Analysis
* Generator Operation

G. Generator Performance Parameters, Excitation Systems, Voltage Regulators, and Protective Systems

* Generator Performance Parameters
* Industry Standard
* Ratings
* Power Factor
* Voltage
* Short-Circuit Ratio
* Efficiency
* Parametric Effects
* Instrument Transformers.
* Excitation Systems
* Exciter Types
* Voltage Regulators
* Manual Control
* Automatic Control
* Auxiliary Control Functions
* Excitation System Stabilizer or Transient Gain Reduction
* Underexcitation Limiter
* Overexcitation Limiter and Protection
* Volts-Per-Hertz Limiter and Protection

H. Performance and Operation of Generators

* Generator Systems 1.1 Excitation
* Hydrogen Cooling
* Cooling of The Stator Conductors
* Hydrogen Seals
* Condition Monitoring
* Temperature Monitoring –Thermocouples
* Hydrogen Gas Analysis
* Hydrogen Dew Point Monitoring and Control
* Vibration Monitoring
* Operational Limitations
* Temperatures
* Hydrogen leakage
* Fault Conditions
* Stator Ground (Earth) Faults
* Stator Phase-to-Phase Faults
* Stator Interturn Faults
* Negative Phase Sequence Currents
* Loss of Generator Excitation
* Pole Slipping
* Rotor Faults

I. Generator Surveillance and Testing

* Generator Operational Checks (Surveillance and Monitoring)
* Major Overhaul (every 8-10 years)
* Generator Diagnostic Testing
* Introduction
* Stator Insulation Tests
* DC Tests For Stator and Rotor Windings Index
* Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index
* Test Setup and Performance
* nterpretation
* DC Hipot Test
* High Voltage and Step Ramp Tests
* AC Tests for Stator Windings
* Dissipation Factor and Tip-Up Tests
* Tip-Up Test
* Stator Turn Insulation Surge Test
* Synchronous Machine Rotor Windings
* Open Circuit Test For Shorted Turns
* Air Gap Search Coil For Detecting Turns
* Impedance Test With Rotor Installed
* Detecting the Location of Shorted Turns With Rotor Removed
* Low Voltage AC Test
* Low Voltage DC Test (Voltage-Drop Test)
* Field Winding Ground Fault Detectors
* Surge Testing For Rotor Shorted Turns and Ground Faults
* Partial Discharge Tests
* Off-Line Conventional Test

J. Generator Inspection and Maintenance

* On-Load Maintenance and Monitoring
* Stator
* Rotor
* Excitation System
* Off-Load Maintenance
* Stator Internal Work
* Stator External Work
* Rotor
* Slip Rigs and Brush Gear
* Exciter and Pilot Exciter
* Rectifier
* Field Switch
* Automatic Voltage Regulator
* Supervisory and Protection Equipment
* Generator Testing
* Insulation Testing
* Testing the stator core
* Stator Coolant Circuit Testing
* Hydrogen Loss Test
* Rotor Winding Tests




Case Study


Lab Filed Trip


Instructor by : Hasan Surya

Generator Excitation Training
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