Pelatihan Financial For Non Finance For Oil and Gas Industry


Financial For Non Finance For Oil and Gas IndustrySetelah mengikuti training ini diharapkan peserta memahami :
1. Memahami manajemen keuangan secara stratejik
2. Memahami proses-proses dalam kegiatan keuangan secara tepat
3. Memahami bagaimana melakukan penggunaan uang secara efektif dan efisien
4. Memahami bahwa kemampuan manajemen keuangan harus dimiliki oleh setiap personil dalam perusahaan


1. Introduction to Basic Accounting
2. Financial Reports
3. Accounting Process
4. Basic Concepts and Financial Reports
1. Basic Concepts
2. Balance Sheet
3. Income Statement
4. Statement of Owners Equity
5. Statement of Cash Flow
5. Financial Reporting Analysis
6. Business Objectives
7. Return on Investment
8. Structure of Analysis
9. Investment Turnover and Profit Margin
10. Profitability Ratios
11. Profit Margin
12. Investment Turnover
13. Working Capital Measures
14. Financial Condition Ratios
15. Liquidity and Solvency
16. Working Capital Management
17. The Classification of Costs
18. Cost Information and Decision Making
19. The Behavior of Costs

1. Relation of Costs to Volume
2. Variable and Fixed Costs
3. Cost Volume Diagram

20. Break Even Point Analysis

1. The Profit Graph
2. Break-Even Volume
3. Operating Leverage
4. Contribution
5. Cost Information and Decision Making

21. Capital Buggeting and Cost of Capital


Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation

Pelatihan Financial For Non Finance For Oil and Gas Industry
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