Pelatihan tiga hari ini menyajikan bagaimana mengintegrasikan accounting perspective, corporate, finance, economic dan critical analysis dalam memahami transaksi bisnis, report dan implikasinya terhadap keputusan bisnis. Pelatihan ini akan menjawab bagaimana mengartikan angka-angka financial, bagaimana menilai keterkaitan antara kondisi ekonomi perusahaan dan angka-angka financial. Disamping itu pelatihan ini juga dapat diharapkan akan mampu mengatasi keterbatasan laporan keuangan dalam menyajikan informasi untuk pengambilan keputusan.
* Membangun critical thinking approach pada financial accounting dan reporting
* Memahami bagaimana financial accounting report dibuat, disajikan dan opsi yang ada
* Memahami bagaimana financial accounting report digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan
* Membangun frame work dalam memahami fleksibilitas dalam accounting
1. The Economic and Institutional Setting for Finance Reporting
* Why Financial Reporting are Important
* Economic of Accounting Information
* The Role of Financial Reporting Game
2. Financial Statement
* Accrual Accounting and Income determination
* Measuring Profit Performance : Revenue and Expenses
* Income Statement Format and Classification
* Revenue Recognition Prior and Subsequent to Sale
* Structure of Balance Sheet and Income Statement
3. Essential of Financial Statement Analysis
* Basic Approaches
* Profitability, Competition and Business Strategy
* ROE and Financial Leverage
4. The Role of Financial Information in Valuation, Cash Flow Analysis and Credit Risk Assessment
* Corporate valuation
* Valuing Business Opportunities
* Cash Flow and Credit Risk
5. Financial Analysis and Reporting
* Receivables: Assessing net Realizable Value of Receivables, Allowance for Uncollectible, Analytical insight
* Inventory: Inventory Accounting issues, Cost included in Inventory, Absorption vs Variable Costing, Tax Implication
* Long-lived Asset and Depreciation: Measuring the Carrying amount of Long lived Asset, Financial Analysis and Fixed Asset Reporting, Depreciation Analysis
* Financial Instruments as Liabilities: Financial Reporting for Debt, Off-balance Sheet Liabilities, Hedging Accounting, Loss Contingency
6. Financial Reporting for Leases (Lease Accounting)
7. Income Tax Reporting
8. Pensions and Post Retirement Benefit
* Financial Reporting for Pensions
* Post Retirement Other than Pensions
9. Financial Reporting for Owners Equity
10. Inter-Corporate Equity Investments (Minority and Majority ownership)
11. Statement of Cash Flows (Direct and Indirect Approach)
Case Study
Instructor by : Januar Eko