Failure Analysis Training

Failure AnalysisDiesel engines and reciprocating compressors are the most common equipment used in the industries nowadays. Periodic monitoring gives operator opportunity to observe and to predict possible early failure. The continuous information and monitoring will enable operator to monitor possible early failure trends and to aid predicted failure. Predictive maintenance is the third generation of maintenance method. It plays an importance and critical roles to optimize overall plant expenses and production cost.


Introducing the role of failure analysis methodology in exploring the root cause of component failure and how to prevent the similar failure in the future.


1. Introduction to Failure Analysis
2. Failure Analysis Management
3. Modes of Failure
4. Stress Analysis
5. Fractography
6. Microscopic Analysis
7. Sample Selection and Preparation
8. Analyzing the evidence/s and formulating for conclusions
9. Metallurgy
10. Principles of Fractures
11. Principles of Wear
12. Visual Examination
13. Failure Analysis Charts: Cylinder Block, Camshaft and Camshaft Bearings, Crankshaft, Main and Connecting Rod Bearings, Pistons and Piston Rings, Gear Trains, Cylinder Heads and Cylinder Head Gaskets, Valves, Guides, springs and Crossheads, Blowers and Superchargers, Turbochargers.


Person who has responsible for analyzing engine components failure such as: Technician (Machine, Engine), Electrician (Machine Electrical, Generator Set), Service Analyst, Service Foreman, Customer Service Analyst





Case Study



Instructor by : Tugino

Failure Analysis Training
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