Facilitation Skills Training

Facilitation Skills* Identify the key task for effective facilitation
* Prepare properly for their facilitation.
* Learnt tools and techniques to help you develop your own effective facilitation style
* Understand how to motivate different people, how to facilitate productive discussion, and reach agreement on action.
* Develop confidence for handling participant disagreements.
* Adapt to the various learning styles in the room.
* Facilitate with true confidence.
* Develop your skills in supporting participants to think clearly and creatively, and work together productively.


* The Art And Values Of Facilitation
* Acknowledging Learning Style Preferences And Methods
* Role Of The Facilitator
* Facilitation Styles
* The Skills Of The Facilitator And Interventions
* Facilitation Tools and Processes Including Needs Assessment, Establishing Aims And Objectives And Evaluation
* Problem-Solving, Including Handling Challenging Behaviour
* Team-Building
* Working with difficult people
* Group Working Techniques


Facilitation Skills is recommended for facilitators, HR managers, line managers, consultants, learning and development professionals, and any others who will be working with groups to achieve change and improve effectiveness.




Case Study



Instructor by : Fauzan Asmara, MM

Facilitation Skills Training
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