1. Arranging Strategic Planning of non-profit Organization
2. Basic Training for Community Empowerment Officer
3. Empowerment Models: Comparison Study of Rural and Urban Community based Program with social analysis Technique Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
4. Technique for Creating a Participatory based Social Mapping Planning
5. Technique for Designing an Effective Empowerment Program
6. Technique for Evaluating The Impact of a Program
7. Technique for Determining Poverty Index for the Community Targeted by Empowerment Program
8. Technique for Analyzing the Feasibility of Microenterprise
9. Natural Resources and Local Potential based Community Empowerment Technique
10. Designing Emergency Health Program in Disaster Area
11. Designing Community Based Health Program
12. Non profit Hospital Management
13. Emergency and Logistic of Disaster Management
14. Trauma Healing Technique for Humanity Disaster (Conflict)
15. Management of Disaster Volunteers
16. Designing a Skill based School Empowerment Program (Non Formal/Vocational School)
17. Designing a Formal School Empowerment Program
18. Calculating the Social Return on Investment (SROI) of Empowerment Program
Case Study