Pelatihan Employee Relation

Employee RelationThis course will enable you to advise on the law relating to industrial action and understand the key stages in union recognition. You’ll learn about the process of collective bargaining i negotiating employment terms and conditions, and evaluate ongoing developments regarding information, consultation and employee and trade union involvement in organizations


Employee relations

* the institutions of employee relations
* national collective agreements
* individual collective agreements
* the rights from trade union membership

Information and consultation

* the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004
* unionised and non-unionised organisations
* obligations to inform and consult under TUPE
* collective redundancies

Trade unions

* collective agreements and protections conferred by union membership
* statutory recognition and de-recognition
* industrial action/strike ballots/picketing
* time off for trade union activities
* statutory immunities

Negotiating terms and conditions

* systems within non-unionised organisations
* collective bargaining with recognised trade unions
* partnership, stakeholding and other agreements
* Case study


The Employee Relations course is for HR practitioners or line managers responsible for employment law issues within their organisation.




Case Study



Instructor by : Suharyana SKM M.Kes

Pelatihan Employee Relation
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