This course will enable you to advise on the law relating to industrial action and understand the key stages in union recognition. You’ll learn about the process of collective bargaining i negotiating employment terms and conditions, and evaluate ongoing developments regarding information, consultation and employee and trade union involvement in organizations
Employee relations
* the institutions of employee relations
* national collective agreements
* individual collective agreements
* the rights from trade union membership
Information and consultation
* the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004
* unionised and non-unionised organisations
* obligations to inform and consult under TUPE
* collective redundancies
Trade unions
* collective agreements and protections conferred by union membership
* statutory recognition and de-recognition
* industrial action/strike ballots/picketing
* time off for trade union activities
* statutory immunities
Negotiating terms and conditions
* systems within non-unionised organisations
* collective bargaining with recognised trade unions
* partnership, stakeholding and other agreements
* Case study
The Employee Relations course is for HR practitioners or line managers responsible for employment law issues within their organisation.
Case Study
Instructor by : Suharyana SKM M.Kes