Pelatihan Distribution Transformator Maintenance

Distribution Transformator MaintenancePelatihan ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan peserta mengenai perawatan Distribution Transformer. Pelatihan ditekankan pada aspek proteksi dan pemeliharaan untuk meningkatkan kontinuitas pelayanan daya sehingga kegagalan operasi dapat dicegah seminimum mungkin dan efisiensi dapat ditingkatkan.


* Mengenali konstruksi Transformator daya beserta komponen-komponen pendukungnya
* Menginterpretasikan data pada nameplate serta memilih Transformator
* Memahami klasifikasi Transformator
* Mengkoneksi, menginstall dan mengoperasikan Transformator daya
* Memahami system proteksi pada Transformator
* Memahami pengujian Transformator untuk pemeliharaan
* Memahami pelaksanaan pemeliharaan Transformator


1. Electrical Power Distribution System Overview

* System overview
* Types of Distribution Network
* Switchgear

2. Electrical Power Transformer

* Construction
* Principles of operation
* Types
* Cooling classifications
* Components and indicators

3. Electrical Power Transformer Operation

* Interpret name plate data
* Vector group
* Design Transformer sizing and Selection Guide

4. Fundamental protection concepts

* System protection Philosophy
* Types of protection relays and Characteristics

5. Fundamentals of Protection

* Need for protection
* Types of fault
* Circuit breaker control circuits
* Protection relay fundamentals
* Solid state relays
* Digital protection devices.

6. Over current Protection

* Over current protection devices characteristics
* Application to Industrial Electrical Utilities protection
* Application to line protection
* Function of directional relays
* Relay settings

7. Differential Protection

* Principle of differential relays
* Application to transformer protection
* Application to generator protection
* Application to bus protection
* Pilot wire differential protection

8. Coordination of Protection Devices

* Primary protection and back-up
* Need for coordination of settings
* Relay/fuse coordination
* Relay/recloser coordination
* Fuse/recloser coordination

9. Overvoltage Protection

* Lighting surges
* Overvoltage protection relays
* Surge arresters
* Insulation coordination

10. Relay input sources

* VTs
* CTs
* CVTs
* Optical voltage and current transducers, Instrument Transformer

11. Power Circuit Breaker Overview

* Purpose/Application
* Types of Circuit Breakers
* Circuit Breaker Operation
* Circuit Breaker Control
* Circuit Breaker Selection Guide

12. Electrical Power Transformer Protection

* Short circuit/over load protection
* Unbalance protection
* Over Temperature protection
* Over pressure protection

13. Insulation Testing

* Insulation Resistance Test
* Tan delta Test
* Withstand Test
* Impulse Test

14. Electrical Power Transformer Testing

* Insulation resistance Test
* Withstand Voltage Test
* Impulse Voltage Test
* Winding resistance and transformer turns ratio (TTR)

15. Transformer Maintenance

* Type of maintenance
* Measurement and testing

16. Types of Major Failures

* Winding and electrical circuit, Core and clamping structure, Bushings and external connections,Tap chargers, Coolers and cooling medium, Control and supervisory equipment

17. Deterioration and Failure Factors

* Operating Environment (Electrical), Operating environment (Physical), Operating Time, Number of Operations of Tap-changer, Vibration Effect, Contaminants

18. Condition Monitoring and Online/Off-line Diagnostics

* Partial Discharge Measurement, Frequency Response Analysis (FRA),Recovery Voltage Measurement (RVM),Thermo vision Measurements, Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA), Furan Analysis

19. Condition Assessment Levels

* Transformer Operating within their Design Life, Transformer Operating Beyond their Design Life

20. Life Extension Programme of Transformer in Service


Pelatihan ini diberikan pada para teknisi, operator maupun supervisor yang bekerja dibidang ketenagalistrikan di industri terutama dibidang pembangkitan dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik.




Case Study


Pelatihan Distribution Transformator Maintenance
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